Volume III: A Moment with Nature


IMAGE by Israel Perkins Warren, Snowflakes: A Chapter from the Book of Nature (1863)

December 14th, 2023

We go into the holidays with the best of intentions - drink less, eat better, workout, stay calm - make this the year we are going to “do it right.” Yet, all of those demands can be deceiving at a time when most of society is running hard into the holiday season.

We are communal beings, directly impacted by what others are doing and feeling. Efforts to keep ourselves centered in the midst of all the revelry are at tension with what is happening around us. How family, friends and neighbors approach the holidays directly affects us. Just the idea of this is exhausting.

If, however, we identify and use a few small tools to shore ourselves up during this time - a short walk, a five minute meditation, a hot bath - these small efforts can add up to big wins for us and the people we love. What we choose to do for ourselves has a direct impact on those around us.

What does all of this have to do with plants and flowers? In the face of all of this seasonal stress, the most impactful thing you can do, actually, is to take a moment with nature.

According to the Greater Good Science Center, just a small moment of connection to nature has major benefits. Scientific research shows that when you take a moment to appreciate the natural world, you feel inspired, you have a sense of interconnectedness, you are more altruistic, and less lonely. And inside your brain, you shift activation in the prefrontal cortex in ways that are good for psychological health.

Wherever you are, there are many ways to take a moment to ground yourself with nature. You can connect directly - appreciate a tree outside your window, buy yourself flowers, have a cup of herbal tea (see my favorite infusion recipe below!). You can also connect with nature through the vibrationally active scents and essences of plants and flowers. This is why I created my line of Vibration Scents, Aura Mists, and Wisdom Sprays; I like to think of them as nature in your pocket.

Although all of the scents in the FLWR Napa Valley lineup have the power to connect you with nature, there are several I draw upon most when I need some extra support this time of year:

You might pick one or two and keep them with you (in your purse, car, or office) through this season. Spray an Aura Mist or Wisdom Spray around you whenever you need a pause, or dab the Vibration Scents - alone or layered with each other - on your pulse points for an immediate boost. I also developed my Cinqscent of Vibration Scents, which offers travel-ready, 5 mL sizes of all five scents ready for layering.

Last, but not least, I am happy to share my “recipe” for a relaxing, adaptogenic herbal tea infusion I drink regularly - note you can buy all of these herbs from Starwest Botanicals and mix them yourself:

Combine equal parts oat tops, lemon balm, and chamomile flowers, with a sprinkling of dried lavender. Steep two teaspoons of the combination in 8oz of boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes, strain and enjoy.


Stop and Smell the Roses (Please!)


Volume II: Scent is a Doorway